Thursday, March 12, 2009

How do you get high definition through an antenna?

i thought coax could only do 480i?

>i thought coax could only do 480i?

No. HD broadcasts have a 6 MHz bandwidth. Since a run of the mill coax cable can handle 1000 MHz , a common coax can transmit at least 150 channels of good quality HD.

As a practical matter, there are a lot fewer broadcast channels at any particular location.

The coax outputs of HD tuners only output 480i because of cost and copyright issues. It's not a limitation of the coax itself. It's likely that the "coax could only do 480i" story was started by people who didn't understand this.

As far as the antenna itself, it treats analog and digital broadcasts in an identical fashion. That's because the way that the signals are sent from the TV transmitting antenna to your personal TV antenna is identical. The difference between analog and digital is in how the picture information is encoded in the signal.

Coax can handle the encoded digital signal and send it to a digital tuner which then decodes it. It can't take a decoded signal because the bandwidth isn't high enough.

you can't, you cant even get a digital signal.

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